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The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration #3

Thanks to all the participants of this week’s Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration! It has been several weeks in the making, but your entries are very much appreciated. As always, there is some great, thought-provoking fresh material waiting to be read.

First the financial-related submissions:

Budgets and Saving

Credit, Debt, and ID Theft

  • (none this week)


Jobs, Employment, and Income

  • (none this week)

Misc. Investing

Net Worth

  • (none this week)

Personal Finance

  • (none this week)


  • (none this week)

And the non-financial related:


  • (none this week)

Digital Photography

  • (none this week)


  • (none this week)

Math and Science

  • (none this week)

Misc. Humor

  • (none this week)


  • (none this week)

Personal Development

Relationships and Parenting

  • (none this week)

Technology and Software

  • (none this week)

Book Reviews

  • (none this week)

Please be sure to participate in the future editions of The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration through BlogCarnival.com by submitting your posts with the carnival submission form.

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