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The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration #2

Thank you all for your wonderful contributions! There are some great articles again this week even though there were fewer submissions. Last week I did an e-mail blast which gave us the great turnout. I don’t want people to feel that I’m spamming them so I didn’t send another one. If you’d like me to shoot you a reminder each week to submit an article, please let me know in the comments section on this page.

I’m very sorry if I inconvenienced you with the premature publishing of this carnival on Monday. Even with the trouble, it was worth the wait!

First the financial-related submissions:

Budgets and Saving

Credit, Debt, and ID Theft


Jobs, Employment, and Income

  • (none this week)

Misc. Investing

Net Worth

Personal Finance


  • (none this week)

And the non-financial related:


  • (none this week)

Digital Photography

  • (none this week)


  • (none this week)

Math and Science

  • (none this week)

Misc. Humor


  • (none this week)

Personal Development

Relationships and Parenting

  • (none this week)

Technology and Software

  • (none this week)

Book Reviews

  • (none this week)

Please be sure to participate in the future editions of The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration through BlogCarnival.com by submitting your posts with the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.

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