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Domainer Resources – New Page

I lieu of a lengthy post today I’ve assembled links that you may find useful if you want to learn more about domaining. Please check it out and be sure to suggest some of the many things I’m sure to have missed.

Domaining Resources

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

1 comment to Domainer Resources – New Page

  • As a tax preparer/instructor, I can say that you, Peter, did the RIGHT thing. You must reoprt on form 1099-MISC any payments to a contractor of $600 or more. You can be in violation of IRS rules and also be penalized for not issuing the form along with not being able to claim the expense of the payment. The correct tax preparation software can and should be able to work around this issue and help your client to NOT be double taxed. Check with a tax professional before ceasing to issue this vital document. More and more people are being required to issue 1099 s of various kinds as the IRS wants to stop under the table transactions. To bad the honest tax payer gets caught in the cross fire but with proper information you and stay safe.

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