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I apologize for taking so much time off. Originally I hadn’t expected to even break for the holidays, but things got really crazy. We ended up all trying this year’s version of the 24-hour bug, my mother-in-law visited (which I genuinely enjoyed), and my son had to be taken to the ER Christmas evening with a high temperature. Combine that excitement with returning to work full time and pulling some long days for physical inventory, and you have a recipe for no time for family, let alone ThoughtfulConsideration.com!
Please continue to read and I’ll do my best to keep the interesting posts coming, even if they’re at a slightly slower pace than in the past several months.
My family is atypical in many ways, and what I’m about to share is one more reason to believe that claim. We exchange gifts like most people who celebrate Christmas, but there’s always at least one gift that shows up for each person from a local (to my parents) thrift store.
There’s a wide variety of silly stuff available at the thrift store and usually the gifts are fairly random: bowling balls with monogrammed bags, an aebleskiver pan (which I received even though it was supposed to go to my sister), a nappy old electric neck massager, etc.
This year my gift was an old book entitled “Maybe You Should Write A Book” by Ralph Daigh. I’m not very far into it since my time is very limited, but I’m hoping to churn through it rather quickly. It has input from a range of authors who were popular back in the 1970s on how they got started and what they wish they’d known back when they were just getting started. Mom and Dad picked out that one because they know I’m interested in writing an e-book. Pretty thoughtful, eh?
I’ll share any insights I come across, and anything I might learn as I slowly write a couple of e-books.
Question(s) of the day:
Have you written an e-book? If so, what advice can you offer to those of us who are just getting into it?
I wish a very merry (albeit belated) Christmas to you and yours! If you don’t celebrate Christmas, simply take it as I receive other’s holiday greetings: as a sincere and respectful well wishing.
This holiday season has been an eventful one for us complete with 24-hour bugs (that left us in bed or on the toilet), a trip to the emergency room (for a child’s high fever), and a visit from my mother-in-law (who is here for a week).
Please don’t think I’ve abandoned ThoughtfulConsideration.com! I will try to get a few posts out here and there during this busy season.
Thank you all for your wonderful contributions! There are some great articles again this week even though there were fewer submissions. Last week I did an e-mail blast which gave us the great turnout. I don’t want people to feel that I’m spamming them so I didn’t send another one. If you’d like me to shoot you a reminder each week to submit an article, please let me know in the comments section on this page.
I’m very sorry if I inconvenienced you with the premature publishing of this carnival on Monday. Even with the trouble, it was worth the wait!
First the financial-related submissions:
Budgets and Saving
Credit, Debt, and ID Theft
Jobs, Employment, and Income
Misc. Investing
Net Worth
Personal Finance
And the non-financial related:
Digital Photography
Math and Science
Misc. Humor
Personal Development
Relationships and Parenting
Technology and Software
Book Reviews
Please be sure to participate in the future editions of The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration through BlogCarnival.com by submitting your posts with the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.
Investing Opportunities
Misc. Finance Related
Money/Finance Blogs
Online Calculators
Saving Money