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Fixing Fragmented WordPress HTML

Word Press is a great piece of software, and overall I’m very pleased with it. Those who want to setup a blog can do so with as little or as much involvement as they desire on the coding side of things. Unfortunately, it has a funny bug that leaves (or adds) little pieces of HTML [...]

Test Driving A New Theme

I love the simplicity of my previous theme Misty Look but I’ve really wanted to have three columns to work with. I’m test driving TripleK2 and so far I think I like it.

Here’s what it’s got going for it:

A cool javascript navigation slider at the top that lets visitors drag the button to [...]

eBooks For Fun And Profit

Yesterday I read You Can Earn A Fortune Creating And Marketing Your Own Ebooks which has some great ideas. Not only that, but the blog has a tremendous amount of motivational information and advice for helping people get started (check out all the links at the very bottom).

The idea of writing a book has [...]

Upgraded to WordPress 2.0.5

You won’t notice any difference unless there’s a problem, but I finally broke down and upgraded from WordPress 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 only a month after it came out. I let my mom’s blog be the guinea pig (don’t tell her I said so!) and everything went smoothly, so I decided to take the plunge.

First [...]

Domaining Update

In an attempt to setup a means of earning passive income, I’ve ventured into investing in domain names. The ride (after a little less than 30 days) has been different from what I had expected, but that shouldn’t be too surprising since I didn’t know too much about it when I started buying domain names.
