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Managing Vast Quantities Of E-mail

In today’s world of easy, voluminous communication and cheap storage which facilitates lengthy retention periods, it’s hard not to become crushed beneath the sheer weight of personalized information in the form of e-mail. I have spent several hours over the last two days shuffling through literally hundreds and hundreds of e-mail messages in both personal [...]

Fixing Fragmented WordPress HTML

Word Press is a great piece of software, and overall I’m very pleased with it. Those who want to setup a blog can do so with as little or as much involvement as they desire on the coding side of things. Unfortunately, it has a funny bug that leaves (or adds) little pieces of HTML [...]

Manage Your Money With Software

Sometimes I wonder how I kept track of my personal finances before using my financial software. Those were simpler times when most of my purchases were either by check or debit card so my check register and other menial approaches were adequate. Now things are more complex with accounts at several banks and credit cards [...]

Autostitch – Simple Panoramas For Everyone!

Amateur photographers looking for a quick way to create panoramas from a series of photos should give AutoStitch a shot. It does quite well with minimal user intervention, but those who desire extensive control over the minute details should look elsewhere.

Here’s the quick version of how to create a panorama using AutoStitch:

Take a [...]

Performancing – A Test Drive Test Post

Performancing.com has a nice Firefox extension that provides an alternative interface for drafting and publishing posts. It may be especially helpful for those folks who regularly post to multiple blogs.

The interface is easy to look at though I haven’t explored all of the available features. It appears to save some kind of a version [...]