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Managing Vast Quantities Of E-mail

In today’s world of easy, voluminous communication and cheap storage which facilitates lengthy retention periods, it’s hard not to become crushed beneath the sheer weight of personalized information in the form of e-mail. I have spent several hours over the last two days shuffling through literally hundreds and hundreds of e-mail messages in both personal [...]

Peace Through Reduced Clutter

Some people have a talent for minimalism. They buy what they need, use what they buy, and dispose of what they don’t use. Unfortunately, we’re not “some” people.

Don’t get me wrong — we’re not packrats. We shop only sales and look for items at yard and garage sales, but we’ve finally passed a point [...]

Mother Of All Packing Lists

Getting ready for a trip of any kind is stressful enough without worrying that you’ll arrive without an essential item that didn’t make it into your luggage. Every trip is different and requires you to bring a different collection of your belongings, so there must be some way to effectively pack regardless of the circumstances.


Filing Personal Receipts

What do you do with all your receipts, monthly bills, and bank statements? Do they end up strewn from here to breakfast until you realize that you need to return something you’ve bought? That was how things worked at our house until I started managing the family finances more actively. Now, we have a process, [...]

Horizontal Surfaces Exposed As A Threat To Organization

There is likely nothing in your living space that represents more of a threat to your cleanliness and organization than open horizontal surfaces. They are extremely useful but unfortunately constitute a temptation that most of us have yet to overcome.

What open horizontal surfaces (OHS) do you have in your living space? Any of these?
