These cracked me up. I hope you enjoy them as well!
These cracked me up. I hope you enjoy them as well! [...] You may have heard some of these before; I’m pretty sure that I had. They still elicited an out-loud laugh from me, so it seemed reasonable to believe that you might enjoy them too. Even though I don’t consider these true stories (they came from one of the e-mails that circulate on the internet), they’re [...] This was a silly little quiz that I came across but enjoyed taking it nonetheless. There are two distinct disadvantages to this particular quiz: It’s supposedly evaluating your accent but it’s a written test in which your perceptions determine the outcome (rather than an unbiased listener). The questions are so few that the accuracy of [...] In today’s world of easy, voluminous communication and cheap storage which facilitates lengthy retention periods, it’s hard not to become crushed beneath the sheer weight of personalized information in the form of e-mail. I have spent several hours over the last two days shuffling through literally hundreds and hundreds of e-mail messages in both personal [...] I apologize for taking so much time off. Originally I hadn’t expected to even break for the holidays, but things got really crazy. We ended up all trying this year’s version of the 24-hour bug, my mother-in-law visited (which I genuinely enjoyed), and my son had to be taken to the ER Christmas evening with [...] |
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