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“The Wealthy Barber” – Chapters 1-4

The book has been fairly enjoyable so far, though it started off pretty slowly with a lengthy story of how he finally made it to the barber shop (in chapter three) to talk to Roy “the wealthy barber” about finance (in chapter four).

There are essentially seven lessons that Roy will teach us over the [...]

Give Kids’ Retirement A Strong Push

Kids say the darndest things. They also do the darndest things, especially with their money. What a shame it is that the youngest people — who have the most to gain in the long term from savings and investing — are the least likely to have money to set aside for retirement. Well, that’s where [...]

Tithing: Thinking At The Margins – Part IV

This is Part III of the six-part series where we discuss real estate, investments, retirement, and insurance. Please remember that my only goal is to help you think through your view of paying a full tithe.

Here are some scenarios with the questions that each raises.

You own a home.

Do you pay tithing on: [...]

Tithing: Thinking At The Margins – Part II

This is Part II of the six-part series where we discuss gifts and inheritance. Please remember that my only goal is to help you think through your view of paying a full tithe.

Here are some scenarios with the questions that each raises.

You’re given a cash gift.

Should you pay tithing? What if the [...]

Tithing: Thinking At The Margins – Part I

You want to pay a full tithe, but some circumstances can make it extremely tough to determine what that is. Erring on the side of paying too much is the right approach, but the larger the dollar, the more difficult the decision becomes when it might easily (and justifiably) go either way.

What’s the [...]