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Tithing: Thinking At The Margins – Part III

This is Part III of the six-part series where we discuss business and employment. Please remember that my only goal is to help you think through your view of paying a full tithe.

Here are some scenarios with the questions that each raises.

You’re an employee.

Do you pay tithing on your net or gross? [...]

Life Insurance – Get It Before Your Premiums Go Up

Death in the family is difficult enough on an emotional level without having to deal with the unexpected, burdensome expenses that are often associated with it (think health care and funeral costs). If you’re the breadwinner in the family, you’ll also sleep better at night knowing that your loved ones will be able to pay [...]

Leather Coats

For those of you who are opposed to leather clothing, you can stop right here. You’ll never purchase a leather coat, so you have no reason to give it further thought.

The rest of us have probably considered purchasing (or have purchased) a leather coat at some point in our lives. I’m personally partial to [...]

Great Trick When Calculating Net Worth

There’s no question that some purchases are wiser than others. What’s tough about personal finances specifically (and life in general) is that delayed gratification is underrated. How can that tendency be overcome?

When it comes to personal finances, the best way to focus on the long term is to track your net worth. People who [...]

Buying A Big House Is More Expensive Than You Think

As recently as a few years ago, I dreamed of having a house so big that some rooms would only see use when large groups of friends or family visited at the same time. “We aired out several rooms in the south wing to get them ready for you,” I imagined myself saying to a [...]