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Talk To Other People About Finance

Inspired by The Weight Of Money’s Start Conversations About Money and the conclusion of Ask Uncle Bill’s Don’t Read This By Suze, I started just leaving comments on their posts and instead decided to expand my thoughts into a full post.

The Weight Of Money has it right when they say that we need to [...]

Your Opportunity Cost

University business professors and people in general love to talk about opportunity cost. The semi-rhetorical question, “Should Bill Gates mow his own lawn?” is the tried and true lead-in to a lengthy discussion of how much he makes per year, then per day, and finally per hour. Inevitably the professor and students conclude that if [...]

Ask For Non-Traditional Benefits

Salary, salary, salary. OK — and bonuses. That’s where most people focus their efforts when they’re negotiating the details of an annual review, promotion, or new job.

The reasons for the tunnel vision are pretty clear. We’re conditioned to think about salary and bonuses because everyone else does, because they’re easily quantified, and because employers [...]

Adult Allowances

My wife and I knew we weren’t saving enough for retirement and other worthy goals. Month after month there didn’t seem to be anything left over to throw at our Roth IRAs. Additionally, she was frustrated because of my constantly trying to justify purchases related to my hobbies, and I felt like she was spending [...]

What Kind of “Passive” Income Do You Want?

The Holy Grail of side income is to have it be completely passive, but there are various ways of earning a little extra money depending on your talents, time, and resources.

Unfortunately many people use the term “passive” when they mean something quite different. Most frequently it’s confused with the act of decoupling your time [...]