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Domainer Resources – New Page

I lieu of a lengthy post today I’ve assembled links that you may find useful if you want to learn more about domaining. Please check it out and be sure to suggest some of the many things I’m sure to have missed.

Domaining Resources

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Tithing: Thinking At The Margins – Part IV

This is Part IV of the six-part series where we discuss real estate, investments, retirement, and insurance. Please remember that my only goal is to help you think through your view of paying a full tithe.

Here are some scenarios with the questions that each raises.

You own a home.

Do you pay tithing on: [...]

Investing In Domains – One Noob’s Experience (Part 2)

You’ll want to read Investing In Domains – One Noob’s Experience (Part 1) if you haven’t already to provide context for this post.

Parking The Domains

There are quite a few parking services and they all have their own approach. Here’s a list of some that I’ve come across in alphabetical order (none of these [...]

Investing In Domains – One Noob’s Experience (Part 1)

After reading several posts on investing in domains, I decided to give it a try. My experience thus far has been time consuming, expensive, and not terribly rewarding. Admittedly I’m a complete newbie, so the fact that I haven’t done well in my first month can be easily attributed to not having enough experience. Hopefully [...]

What Kind of “Passive” Income Do You Want?

The Holy Grail of side income is to have it be completely passive, but there are various ways of earning a little extra money depending on your talents, time, and resources.

Unfortunately many people use the term “passive” when they mean something quite different. Most frequently it’s confused with the act of decoupling your time [...]