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Photos On WordPress With Light Box and Hemingway Flickr

My Trick Or Treat Doggie Style post makes use of two great Word Press plug-ins, Light Box and Hemingway Flickr. I’m pleased with the final result, but it took a lot more effort than I had hoped. Here’s what it took to get this post working in its present form:

  1. Create a Flickr account.
  2. Upload pictures to Flickr and add them to a Flickr “set”.
  3. Download Light Box and Hemingway Flickr.
  4. Unzip them.
  5. Follow these instructions for acquiring a Flickr API Key and updating your unzipped lib.flickr.php file.
  6. FTP the plug-ins to your site as directed by their respective instructions.
  7. Activate both plugins.
  8. Configure the Hemingway Flickr options as indicated in step 5 above.
  9. Write a new post. Just below the area where you type the text of the post, click on the new tab labeled “Photos”.
  10. Hit the “Refresh” button if necessary.
  11. Note: At this point I decided that I wanted an easy way to get a square-sized thumbnail into my post, and I didn’t mind if the photos were compressed along the X or Y axis. I had it load the full size pictures and resized them into squares.
  12. Left click on a photo and then left click on “Large” (because that’s the size I wanted to have show up in the Light Box slideshow). That will insert the photo into the post.
  13. Edit the HTML of the post to:
    1. Change the width and height to both be “75″.
    2. Add rel=”lightbox[HalloweenDogs]“ to the beginning of the link code. This tells Light Box to handle the photo and the “[HalloweenDogs]” tells it to treat all the pictures with that code as the same photo set.
    3. Change the link’s “href” to point to the actual picture, not a page. This is important because otherwise Light Box won’t function properly.
  14. Save and publish the post.
  15. Test the pictures to make sure they’re functioning properly. For some reason you may need to refresh the page a couple of times or close and reopen the browser to get it to work

For more information see:

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