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Further Updates To The Blog

Today I finally found some time to get to my blog’s “things I’d like to do” task list. They have included:

    • Logging back into Technorati.com, updating my profile, adding tags to my account, uploading a picture, etc.
    • Adding a Technorati sidebar widget to my blog.
    • Adding a picture to my About page.
    • Creating sub-categories within Finance/Investing/Etc, then assign the existing posts to the appropriate sub category. I ran into a problem when I attempted to have the Categories sidebar widget display the hierarchy. It became clear to me after thinking about it, that since no posts were in the parent category (and because categories don’t show unless there’s at least one post within it) I’d need to double tag any finance-related posts with both the parent and child categories.
    • Creating a new parent category “Non-finance” and putting all the other categories under it.
    • The category reorganization was disappointingly time consuming.

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