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The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration #1









Thank you all for participating in the inaugural edition of The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration! There are some wonderful submissions, and I look forward to learning from you through your posts.

Within each category I’ve listed the submissions in order based on which arrived first. Enjoy!

Fixing Fragmented WordPress HTML

Word Press is a great piece of software, and overall I’m very pleased with it. Those who want to setup a blog can do so with as little or as much involvement as they desire on the coding side of things. Unfortunately, it has a funny bug that leaves (or adds) little pieces of HTML [...]

Five Things You Don’t Know About Me

Silicon Valley Blogger (AKA Curly Tree) at TheDigeratiLife.com tagged me along with several other bloggers including Steve at Steve-Olson.com, Frugal at My First Million At 33, Henry at Binary Dollar, and The Sun from The Sun’s Financial Diary. I’m new enough to the blogosphere that I had to ask her what that meant . . [...]

A Miniature Example Of Scope Creep

The men’s organization that I belong to asked me to draft a newsletter that would include some basic elements including a message, upcoming calendar events, and other miscellaneous content. The requirements were originally fairly simple, but I wanted to come up with something that was visually appealing and that desire converted the 60-minute exercise into [...]

1st (And Perhaps Last) Podcast

Here’s the first ThoughtfulConsideration.com podcast. I’m sure that it would (or will) get easier with more experience, but it took more work than I imagined. I touch on essentially two topics: what my first podcasting experience was like and the upcoming Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration.

I had hoped to make this available through a spiffy [...]