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Sorry About Early Appearance Of TCOTC #2

Last night I began assembling The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration #2, and I was so tired that I thought it was time to publish it! I even read all the submissions and e-mailed all the participants, so I’m sorry to anyone I inconvenienced.

The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration #2 will re-appear on Thursday per our [...]

Fingerprints For A Storage Unit!?

We’re thinking about selling our condo since we’re bursting at the seams. The only problem is that you want to clear out the clutter when you’re showing the place because it makes it seem larger. As I’ve said before, I’m actually quite excited about the opportunity and motivation to review all the stuff we have [...]

End-Of-Year Personal Finance To-Do List

Silicon Valley Blogger over at TheDigeratiLife.com has a great list of tasks that she is hoping to complete before (or just after) year’s end. I hope she won’t mind, but I’m going to copy her list and include thoughts (for my family’s situation) below each one.

Review our credit card report and checking account expense [...]

Disciplining Children – A Reminder For Parents?

Nobody every said that parenting was easy, but I don’t remember too many people talking about how much of a reminder it is for us as parents. Sure, we can think back to what it might have been like to be a child and on the receiving end of discipline, but that’s not what occurred [...]

Supposedly Real 9-1-1 Calls

There are lots of funny e-mails floating around about “real” 9-1-1 calls. These probably won’t have you ROTFLOL, but I enjoyed it enough to share it.

Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is your emergency? Caller: I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the brown House on the corner. Dispatcher: Do you have an address? Caller: No, [...]