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Early Christmas Present

After several years of “making do” with our HP Photosmart 735, we decided to upgrade to the Canon Powershot S3. Every reviewer loved it, and so far we like it too. I read as much as I could about it online, and decided that it was a fairly worthy tightwad alternative to a digital SLR. My favorite review was this one over at imaging-resource.com.

They also had some great recommendations on rechargeable batteries and chargers. We picked those up at Thomas Distributing, and a 2 GB SD card and USB SD card reader at the venerable NewEgg.com. I can’t share any opinions with you on the batteries yet because they’re due to arrive tomorrow, and the card and reader will arrive on Friday – just in time!

Technically this is a Christmas present, but as the dad I have a solemn responsibility to have the camera fully functional for the big day. Tonight after pulling the camera out of the box I actually broke down and started reading the manual. Before too long I was taking macro shots of any marginally interesting object in the house because the cold dark evening didn’t permit me to try out the other features outside. I can tell you that we were very pleased with how well the redeye reduction feature worked in our first eight pictures (that’s all the pitiful 16 MB SD card – that came with the camera – would hold).

Here are a few sample shots that I took tonight of random objects around the condo. Enjoy them and don’t forget about The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration #2 tomorrow!

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