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Funny Christmas Tradition

My family is atypical in many ways, and what I’m about to share is one more reason to believe that claim. We exchange gifts like most people who celebrate Christmas, but there’s always at least one gift that shows up for each person from a local (to my parents) thrift store.

There’s a wide variety [...]

Merry (belated) Christmas!

I wish a very merry (albeit belated) Christmas to you and yours! If you don’t celebrate Christmas, simply take it as I receive other’s holiday greetings: as a sincere and respectful well wishing.

This holiday season has been an eventful one for us complete with 24-hour bugs (that left us in bed or on the [...]

The Carnival of Thoughtful Consideration #2

Thank you all for your wonderful contributions! There are some great articles again this week even though there were fewer submissions. Last week I did an e-mail blast which gave us the great turnout. I don’t want people to feel that I’m spamming them so I didn’t send another one. If you’d like me to [...]

Early Christmas Present

After several years of “making do” with our HP Photosmart 735, we decided to upgrade to the Canon Powershot S3. Every reviewer loved it, and so far we like it too. I read as much as I could about it online, and decided that it was a fairly worthy tightwad alternative to a digital SLR. [...]

Everybody Has At Least One

From the title you might have expected that I was alluding to the comparison that people make between an anatomical feature and excuses. If that were the case, I’d have finished with, “and they all stink.” What I’m referring to is a little different, though my reason for writing about them is a personal frustration.
