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Teaching Financial Responsibility

If there were only one lesson that I could teach my children about money it’s this: budgeting is critical.

Every retailer and credit-extending entity in the world works hard every day to teach that living within one’s means is not just unnecessary, but actually quite stupid. Their siren call is relentless but predictable: Why wait [...]

Net Worth Calculations Can Be Tricky

Trying to determine your net worth is a valuable exercise, though it’s not always straight forward. There are several forces working against you and some obstacles that you’ll need to overcome.


Try as I might, reimbursed work purchases and travel expenses never fall in the same calendar month as the deposit (of the reimbursement [...]

Retirement Accounts And Personal Net Worth

Recently I realized that my wife and I have not contributed to our Roth IRAs yet this year. Back in March or April we threw our entire tax refund at the IRAs which was better than nothing, but it wasn’t really enough. We didn’t come close to maxing out our contributions for 2005, and we [...]

More Updates To ThoughtfulConsideration.com

Today I’ve continued with testing, research and updates. Here’s what I’ve accomplished:

FTP-ed the page.php file back over to my template. I renamed the existing file after downloading a copy to my home computer so I have a backup of the previous version. In this case I neglected to upload the updated page.php file to [...]

Latest Changes To ThoughtfulConsideration.com

Today has been a day of research and action resulting in quite a few updates to this blog and related accounts. Some of those changes include:

Turning off comments and making the form completely disappear. Despite the fact that documentation seems to indicate that one of the admin options should have handled this for me, [...]