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Retirement Account Recommendations

Our metro area has a radio show hosted by a nationally recognized top investment advisor, and I finally got through this weekend.

We have a small amount of money in a 401k program sponsored by (but unfortunately not contributed to) my employer. Of the available funds, she recommended dividing our investments in that account equally among the following:

    • Fidelity VIP Contrafund
    • MFS Capital Opportunities
    • Oppenheimer Global
    • T. Rowe Price Growth Equity

She was also kind enough to make recommendations on our Roth IRAs (which are not held at Fidelity), again suggesting that the money be equally divided among the following (hopefully I wrote them down correctly):

    • International Index Fund
    • The Small Cap Fund
    • The Wellington Fund

On other occasions she’s recommended these funds to people who have Fidelity retirement accounts. I can’t guarantee 100% accuracy (and in some cases I believe I missed part of the name), so be sure to conduct your own research. Additionally, because each person’s needs — and levels of risk aversion — differ, some funds may be more or less appropriate for you and your situation.

    • Balance Fund
    • Barron Growth
    • Contra Fund
    • Diversified International
    • Dodge and Cox Value
    • Fidelity Balance
    • Fidelity Equity Income
    • Fidelity Global
    • Fidelity Growth
    • Fidelity Mid-cap Growth
    • Fidelity Puritan
    • Fidelity Value
    • Gabelli Assets
    • Growth Fund of America
    • Income Fund of America
    • Low Price Stock
    • Meridian Growth
    • Meridian Value
    • Oppenheimer Global
    • Royce Total Return
    • Third Avenue Value
    • T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation

Happy investing!

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