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Funquee Werds

Though I am no English language scholar of note, some words and their use or misuse rub me the wrong way. This post will be updated as other words come to mind, and please offer your own additions as I have likely missed a number of obvious, common errors.

Some words are simply mispronounced (there’s [...]

Practical Tips & Tricks

I’ve only been able to try a few of the ideas below, so please let me know if they work for you. Some are original but a big chunk of them are re-written from an e-mail that was circulating for a while.

Reheat Pizza – Tired of soggy day-after pizza crust? Throw a piece or [...]

Memo: John, Our Employee of the Month

On several occasions, my younger sister has asked me to help her “jazz up” memos for her company. Combine that with the fact that I wanted to test a Word Press plug-in for footnotes, and the result is this post which I hope you enjoy. (NOTE: Names have been changed to protect the innocent/accused/insert-your-favorite-adjective-here.)

DATE: [...]

One Terrible Morning

A few months ago I had a morning where I couldn’t catch a break. This is all 100% true with no embellishments.

One morning I needed to catch a roughly 90-minute flight to my company’s other location to visit the three men in my department who were at that location. Because this was before the [...]

New Accounts at Digg.com, Reddit.com, and Technorati.com

I just signed up for new accounts at www.digg.com, www.reddit.com, and www.technorati.com in order to learn more about those websites and services where I’ve been lurking for months and months.

In order to complete my Technorati profile and claim this blog as my own, I have to make this post including some code that shows [...]